What is school council?
School council is a legally-mandated advisory board for our principal. It includes representatives from different parts of our community including…
- Parent/caregivers
- Educators
- Students
- Community members
One parent/caregiver representative will serve as co-chair with the principal. Co-chairs are responsible for helping set the agenda and run meetings. For more information about state guidelines for school council, please click here >>.
What does school council do? School council…
- Allows for teachers, administration, parents, caregivers to come together as a community
- Works on adopting educational goals consistent with state and local policy
- Gives advice on a school improvement plan which focuses on student achievement, absenteeism, culture and climate, and college and career goals.
- Gives advice around progress towards the goals in the school improvement plan
- Analyzes the educational needs of the RAUC school students
- Reviews the annual school budget
When does School Council meet?
Meetings are held once a month and will be set based on availability of the representatives for school year 2024-2025.
Any member of the school community (parent/caregivers, school staff, students, school community members) may attend school council meetings.
Ways to join school council as a representative:
- Election (parents/caregivers & staff)
- Appointment (community members & students)
- Student government (At RAUC, we try to have at least one student who is on our student government also be part of our school council)
SY24-25 Parent/Caregiver Election Information:
Families of RAUC (FRAUC) is currently organizing our election for parent/caregiver representatives for the 2024-2025 school year.
If you are a current RAUC parent/caregiver and are interested in joining the school council or know another current RAUC parent/caregiver that you think would be a great fit, please nominate yourself or another parent/caregiver!
Election timeline:
- Nominate yourself or someone else by September 24
- September 26: Look for a list of parent/caregiver candidates in our RAUC newsletter
- Vote: September 26-October 9 by ranking the candidates
- By October 11, look out for the list of new representatives!
For more information about current and past school council work, please see below for meeting notes:
SY 2023-2024 Members
Amanda Grice (Parent/caregiver representative)
Ena Valenzuela (Parent/caregiver representative)
Maritza Soto (Parent/caregiver representative)
Josh Sheldon (Parent/caregiver representative)
Tatiana Pobednova (RAUC Educator)
Tino Tomasi (RAUC Educator)
Clara Hendricks (Community Representative)
Robert (Bo) Lembo (Community Representative)
Kallie Alexis (student representative)
Julia Ho (Family Liaison)
Julie Sizer (Principal)
*one student representative is unnamed due to media releases
All meetings are usually held on the first Tuesday of the month from 8-9AM or 6-7PM. Please
click here for upcoming meeting dates.