RAUC 8th Graders Present at Civics Action Showcase

RAUC 8th Graders Present at Civics Action Showcase
Posted on 05/25/2023
On Thursday, a group of RAUC 8th graders presented their Civics work at the CPSD Civics Action showcase. Our students made us proud as they shared their research on issues they care about as well as their action plan. Their audience included legislators, subject matter experts, educators, and other community members. To our amazing students who participated and Mr. Trainor and Ms. Rottersman who helped prepare them- RAUC on! Check out some photos below:

RAUC 8th Graders Present at Civics Action ShowcasePhoto on left: Some* of our students and chaperones Mr. Saveriano & Mr. Trainor with Danielle Allen, Harvard Professor and founder of the Democratic Knowledge Project, and Steven Owens, Massachusetts state house representative for the 29th Middlesex district. 

Photo on right: Students in front of their Civics Action Project 

*Due to media releases, not all students who participated are in this photo.
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